キーン/Brain Freeze
あなたがお気に入りののシロップはなんですか?🍧 私はいちごミルクです。
'Brain Freeze'
What syrup would you like on shaved ice?🍧 My favorite is strawberry and condensed milk.
When I think about eating shaved ice, I always tell myself, "Okay, I'm going to gobble it up today!", but I can't finish it unless I take several short breaks.
But they are all delightful summer moments — the brain freeze, the unique feeling of hot tea(*) flowing into my stomach from my icy mouth after the refreshing dessert, and the mood of stepping out to the sweltering outdoors again with my sweat completely evaporated from my skin.
* In Japan, most traditional cafes featuring Japanese-style sweets, serve complimentary hot tea (or cold tea) after the dessert to make us feel refreshed.🍵
410 x 318 mm, 16.1 x 12.5 in, 2022
Acrylic and paper on wood panel
—Fun With Paper Series