大掃除 / Year-end Cleaning (sold)




私の大好きなあるスタッフさんは、大変テキパキしたお方。この日も私のおしゃべりに付き合いながら、ササッと床を拭いていました。しばらくすると、「あーーっ🙈💦」と大きな声が!なんと、拭き終わった床にたくさんの足跡が👣 2人で大笑いをしました。


  • 大掃除 (sold)

  • 2023年 アクリル絵の具、紙、キャンバス 158 x 227 mm

The 7th piece for the upcoming exhibit;

  • Year-end Cleaning (sold)

  • 2023 Acrylic and paper on canvas 158 x 227 mm

This painting is based on a scene I actually encountered at Namiki Gallery in May this year during my exhibit.

One of the staff members who I admire is a very efficient worker. One day, I was chatting with her while she was quickly wiping the floor. After a while, I suddenly heard "Nooooo! 🙈💦". To our surprise, many footprints were on the floor after she finished wiping it. 👣 We both had a good laugh.

The cleaning itself may be twice as much work, but this kind of thing is so much fun and makes me happy that I rushed to sketch it, determined to make a painting of it for sure. Although I could have presented this painting in August in a different gallery, I wanted to show it in the same place, Namiki Gallery, where the cute situation happened.

◎ About the title 🧹

We, Japanese people, have the custom of cleaning our houses thoroughly at the end of the year to be sincere and to welcome Toshigami-sama. So, we can think of this as a seasonal winter event in Japan.

◎ About the polka dot pattern 🔵 🔵 🔵 🔵 🔵

This is a traditional pattern called Mame-shibori in Japanese. The clothes are called Tenugui, made of thin cotton gauze hand towels.


To Santa


たこあげ / Kite Flying (sold)