More Stories on my Blog
まだ話したいことがたくさんあるんだ /There's so much more to talk about.(sold)
There's so much more to talk about.
「食べる?」「いいの?! でも最後の一つだし……」/"Want some?" "Yeah! Um...but just take it." (sold)
"Want some?" "Yeah! Um...but just take it."
"Slower, please! Faster, please!"(sold)
”Slower, please! Faster, please!”
キーン!ちょっとこれでひと休み/Brain Freeze! Let the spiral wafer heal me
'Brain Freeze! Let the spiral wafer heal me!’
見てる?嗅いでる?それともちょっとかじってる?/Looking, Smelling or Nibbling? (sold)
'見てる?嗅いでる?それともちょっとかじってる? / Looking, Smelling or Nibbling?’ (sold)
これ?一人分だよ/Family size? No... Just my size! (sold)
‘Family size? No... Just my size! ‘
しおりになったチョコのカケラ/A Piece of Chocolate as a Bookmark (sold)
‘A Piece of Chocolate as a Bookmark’