11月個展 番外編3 / November Exhibit Report 3

Exploring Art as a Family and What It Reminds Me to Cherish






Here’s my final report from my November solo exhibition.

In the first photo, you see my junior high school friend (in the middle), who was in the brass band club with me for three years, visiting the exhibition with his wife. And in the second photo, you can see their son. They’ve visited my exhibitions as a family before, and all three of them came again this time. Watching them enjoy the artwork together as a family reminded me of what truly matters to me as an artist. (See photos 3 and 4).

In 2024, I held three solo exhibitions. Reflecting on the year, I feel so grateful to have been surrounded by the support and smiles of so many people. For me, being an artist is not only about painting but also about sharing my work with all of you at exhibitions and through social media. What matters most is creating moments where you can savor the small joys of life and find humor in the little quirks of our daily lives.

In 2025, I’m planning to hold three solo exhibitions. I can’t wait to share smiles and laughter with everyone.

ご家族で感想を口にしながら鑑賞される様子って 本当に拝見していて嬉しいのです

Hearing their family share thoughts and sentiments while viewing my artwork is such a heartwarming experience for me.


古民家空時さんでの展示販売のお知らせ「百人百様 サウナ編 」 Many Men, Many Towel Styles @Kominka Soradoki


11月個展 番外編2 / November Exhibit Report 2