隠し味 /A Secret Ingredient – updated ver.


7/24〜ギャラリーニイク さんで始まる個展に向けた3枚目のupdated ver.は、新米シェフが料理長に特製カレーを味見してもらう様子🍛





  • '隠し味 – updated ver.'

  • アクリル絵の具、紙、キャンバス 160 x 230 mm、2023-2024

次回個展は7/24〜29! こちらで詳細ご案内中です

The 7th piece for the upcoming exhibit Gallery 219, starting on July 24th 🏊‍♀

From the original painting, I added semi-3D textures to the curry ingredients and the tasting plate and poured tea into each cup.

  • 'A Secret Ingredient – updated ver.'

  • Acrylic and paper on canvas, 160 x 230 mm, 2023-2024

I then put the answer to the title of this painting on the bottom of the canvas. Even if some did not notice the character for 'tea' on the red tin can, I think it is now easier to see that tea leaves are the secret ingredient.

This tea is Wenshan Baozhong, which represents Taiwanese tea. It adds flavor, freshness, and depth to the spicy chicken curry♪ The long, narrow tea cups are not for drinking but for enjoying the aroma. They are called wenxiangbei.

This painting is memorable. It was inspired by a curry event at a cafe my husband used to run.

The upcoming exhibit is July 24-29. For more info, click here!


どうぞ。いえいえ、どうぞどうぞ。 /Please.No, it's okay. Please go ahead. – updated ver. (sold)


あっ… /Oh, no... – updated ver.