わぁ♥/Awww ♥ (sold)




  • ‘わぁ♥’ (sold)

  • アクリル絵の具、紙、キャンバス 140 x 180 mm、2024年

The 6th piece for the upcoming exhibit in March 2024;

They’ll have ‘Omu-rice*,’ one of them has a sweet message.

As to omelets, personally, I prefer the ones that have the aroma of well-cooked eggs rather than the soft and runny texture of half-cooked ones. How about you?

The thick and plumpy texture of eggs in this piece is fun to see, but secretly, I also like the subtle plumpness of the wine bottle.

  • ‘Awww ♥’ (sold)

  • 140 x 180 mm, Acrylic and paper on canvas, 2024

*For those unfamiliar;

Omu-rice is a Japanese-style Western cuisine featuring a fluffy omelet wrapped around ketchup-flavored fried rice. 😋


どんぐらい食べる?/How much do you want? (sold)


実にいい湯であった/Indeed, that was such an excellent bath! (sold)