キーン!ちょっとこれでひと休み/Brain Freeze! Let the spiral wafer heal me

[ 日本語→English ] 

  • こちらは月単位でレンタルが可能な作品です。詳しくはCasieさんのサイトをご覧ください。

  • ご購入をご検討の場合は、こちらまでご連絡ください。

こちらの絵の舞台は世田谷区深沢のカフェテナンゴ(インスタはこちら)さん、 中米産スペシャルティコーヒー専門店です。今回の展示の新作用のモチーフとしてお店の商品を描く許可をちょうだいしました、ありがとうございます!併設のゆったりとしたカフェでは大きな焙煎釜を眺めながら 美味しいコーヒーとその時々のデザートを、 曜日限定で中米の軽食も楽しむことができます。

  • キーン!ちょっとこれでひと休み

  • 273 x 220 mm、 2022年

  • 紙を貼ったキャンバスにアクリル絵の具


食べたくなってきましたか?😋 チュルチルを日本で食べられる機会はかなりレアだそう。夏限定につき、お出かけの際は FacebookInstagramで情報をご確認ください。それでは楽しいコスタリカの旅を👋 ¡Buen viaje a Costa Rica!

This piece is set at ‘cafetenango ’ (IG@cafetenango_tokyo) in Fukazawa, Tokyo, specializing in specialty coffee beans from Central America. I was grateful to have the opportunity to paint this cafe’s special sweet with their permission. In the spacious café attached to the shop, you can enjoy delicious coffee and some treats while gazing at the large roasting oven. You can also enjoy Central American light meals on limited days of the week.

  • 'Brain Freeze! Let the spiral wafer heal me!'

  • 273 x 220 mm, 10.7 x 8.7 in, 2022

  • Acrylic and paper on canvas

In this painting, what The White Dog is enjoying is "Churchill", a famous shaved ice in Costa Rica. The vivid pink syrup is called Kola syrup but is not related to Coke; For me, it's just the right amount of sweetness. I feel nostalgic eating it.

The bottom is well-soaked shaved ice with Kola. The middle layer has one scoop of vanilla ice cream and, somewhat surprisingly, a dash of powdered milk. And then, shaved ice with Kola syrup again, then finally topped with condensed milk.

First, you can enjoy it as shaved ice (in a parfait glass) and gradually as a chilly drink with crunchy ice. In the middle of eating such an icy dessert, a spiral wafer on the top could be an excellent healing, warm addition.

Feeling the urge to eat?😋

Alrighty then! Come to cafetenango and try "Churchill🍧"! I think it's super rare to try it here in Japan. It's a limited-served dessert only in summer, so check out Facebook or Instagram before you drop by

Have a nice trip to Costa Rica! 👋 ¡Buen viaje a Costa Rica!


"Slower, please! Faster, please!"(sold)


見てる?嗅いでる?それともちょっとかじってる?/Looking, Smelling or Nibbling? (sold)