私のかき氷/ My Shaved Ice
7/24〜ギャラリーニイク さんで始まる個展に向けた新作を、今日から1枚ずつご紹介していきます🍧
アクリル絵の具、紙、キャンバス 220 x 280 mm、2024
次回個展は7/24〜29! こちらで詳細ご案内中です
The 1st piece for the upcoming exhibit Gallery 219, starting on July 24th;
'My Shaved Ice'
Acrylic and paper on canvas, 220 x 280 mm, 2024
I just love sea otters and penguins, and I've always wanted to paint them. Finally, here it is!
I couldn't capture the texture of the shaved ice well in the photo, so please come see it at the venue. It's so icy, and each ingredient is also plump. 👀
The upcoming exhibit will start July 24! For more info, click here!