チートデー /Cheat Day – updated ver.


ここからはギャラリーニイク さんでの今月末の展示に向けて旧作に加筆したもの(以降、updated ver.と呼ばせてください)をご紹介していきます🍟


  • 'チートデー – updated ver.'

  • アクリル絵の具、紙、キャンバス 160 x 227 mm、2023-2024

次回個展は7/24〜29! こちらで詳細ご案内中です

Now, I'll begin to introduce some pieces of my past works that I decided to retouch for the upcoming exhibit Gallery 219, starting on July 24th 🍟

  • 'Cheat Day – updated ver.'

  • Acrylic and paper on canvas, 160 x 227 mm, 2023-2024

In the first piece, they are enjoying a pile of fast food with much gusto. There was a single person in the original piece, but I increased the number of people and items. I also made it more lively, including the background color.

The upcoming exhibit is July 24-29. For more info, click here!


私のかき氷/ My Shaved Ice


どうぞ。いえいえ、どうぞどうぞ。 /Please.No, it's okay. Please go ahead. – updated ver. (sold)