? / ?


ある日ふと、糸電話で遊ぶのって楽しかったなぁと思い出して描いた絵。(実際には、鳥は糸に掴まれないだろけれど😝)ちなみに英語だと糸電話は”Tin-can telephone”(缶電話 )と言うそう。怪我しそうな表現に感じます…!😨

新作11枚目&これでラスト 、お付き合いありがとうございます。ぜひ実際見に来てくださいね 😊🎨✨(個展は8/1〜)。

  • '?' (sold)

    2023年 アクリル絵の具、紙、木 120 x 305 mm

I drew this, remembering how fun it was to play with a tin-can telephone. (Though birds probably can't perch on the string.😝) By the way, I always used paper cups and finally learned that instead of a "paper-cup telephone", it's actually called a "tin-can telephone" in English. Although, it sounds painful! 😨

Thank you so much for checking out all 11 pieces! This is the last one for the upcoming exhibit at Art Mall Tokyo. 🎨✨I'd love for you to come and see them in person! 😊

  • '?' (sold)

    2023 Acrylic and paper on wood    120 x 305 mm


8月の個展無事終了しました!Thanks for coming to my August exhibit!


ちょっと予行演習 / Let's do a dry run.