Reposting from @nenohoshi930 on 25 March, 2024
室伏 志保 個展
12:00〜18:00 ※最終日~16:00
真新しいキャンバスのように何者にでもなれる白い犬。 画面の中の「白い犬」は、あなたや、よく知る誰かかもしれません。 私は彼らを通し、思わず「あるある!」と言いたくなるような、でも普段は忘れてしまっている日々の 小さな喜び、おかしみを描いています。どうでもいいことかもしれないけど、「うん、あるねぇ」を振り返り共感しあう時間は、楽しくて尊い時間だと私は信じています。
原画を色々な角度から眺めてみると、紙が偶然作り出すシワや絵の具だまり、半立体の盛り上げ・細か いツヤの違いによる妙なリアル感に出会うことができます。キャンバスのサイドにこっそりサプライズがあることも。 絵を迎えてくださった方が、ご自宅やオフィスでふとした時にクスッとしたり、招いたお友達に「ここはね…」と紹介したくなるような作品づくりを心がけています。 会期初日は今年度最後の祝日です。今回は特に、会場に訪れてくださったからこそ体験できる、ちょっとした遊びもご用意しました。お散歩がてら、ぜひいらしてくださいね。
The previous exhibit successfully ended on March 25, 2024.
I am so pleased with the comment below from the gallery's owner, Ms. Masuda, who's watched over me every day. I got the permission to repost it, so please take a look!
I'll be back again to have a solo exhibit in November 2025.
[This is a translated version, the original is in Japanese]
Shiho Murofushi's solo exhibit successfully ended today.
The main element in creating the exhibition space is the artwork, but the atmosphere was as cheerful as the world of her artwork, and the soft communication made it a delightful period where one could enjoy it as if in everyday attire without any sense of tension.
Many people from overseas stopped by the exhibition, and their laughter echoed through communicating in English. :-)
The freedom of "The White Dog," which has room to be changed by the viewer's imagination and subjectivity, including country, gender, and age, was filled with a gentle margin that accepts various ideas and people.
At first glance, her work may appear loose and relaxed, but I feel that it is not just cute work, but also works of art that can be appreciated without getting bored, precisely because of the artist's strict eye and extra careful work behind.
She has several more solo exhibitions scheduled for this year ahead, so if you were too busy to make it in March, please check her account for the following solo exhibition.