The second solo exhibition of this year finished.
[ English Translation Below ]
こちら は展示最終日に、友人に教えてもらった360度カメラアプリで会場を撮影した様子。窓辺のポストカードが写っていない等々ありますが、概ね再現されていて、その場にいるみたいです!
次回11月の個展が今年2022年最後の展示となります。この5月と7月の個展中、お客様と話しながらひらめいたアイディアがたくさんあります。冬バージョンのA little "wow" moment を京橋の並樹画廊さんよりお届けしますので、しばらくお待ちくださいませ。
The second solo exhibition of this year finished.
The second solo exhibition of this year finished on July 24. Even though the number of infections was increasing again, I am still grateful for lots of things, the blessings, the unwavering support of the owner of Art Mall, the two great owners (cafetenango and Café Reise), customers, friends, and family.
On the last day of this exhibit, I took a shot of the venue with a 360-degree camera app. (Bubbli) Check out this link and enjoy the place as if you were there!
There are several pieces that I hadn't introduced before the exhibit, so I will post them one by one after this.
The next solo exhibit in November will be the last one in 2022. Through the conversations with my customers during the previous exhibition, I've had some ideas for the next show. I want to share a winter version of the "little "wow" moments" at Namiki Gallery.
By the way, on the last day of the exhibit, I bought one special cookie set to try my luck...and I won! How lucky I am! But honestly, I wish it should have gone to other customers...
A little "wow" moment in July 2022
at Art Mall, Tokyo, Japan
Shiho Murofushi Solo Exhibition