The White Dog
少なくとも私の作品を見てくださっている時間は、 年齢も、職業も、国籍も、文化の違いもぜーんぶ超えて、 日々の小さな喜びにしみじみする、互いのおかしみをおもしろがる——白い犬を通して、私はそんな世界を願っています。
The White Dog is not just a dog but a reflection of ourselves.
I dare not give them names. Like a blank canvas, they can be anything. They could be you or someone you know well.
At least in the moments spent enjoying my art, I hope everyone, as equals, regardless of age, occupation, nationality, or cultural differences, can cherish the small joys and share smiles over the quirky moments in our daily lives
—through The White Dog, I wish for such a world.
Details on my Blog
Untitled おしい! / "Close!" 穴の空いた靴下 / A Sock with a Hole ウマ… / "Yum..." "Want some?" "Yeah! Um...but just take it." / 「食べる?」「いいの?!でも最後の一つだし……」 'There's so much more to talk about. / まだ話したいことがたくさんあるんだ' Who is the "White Dog"? "Slower, please! Faster, please!" / あぁ…そんなに早く溶けないで、そんで君は早く戻ってきて〜! 'Brain Freeze! Let the spiral wafer heal me! / キーン!ちょっとこれでひと休み‘' 'Looking, Smelling or Nibbling? / 見てる?嗅いでる?それともちょっとかじってる?' 'Yes! Onto the sixth ice pop! / よっしゃ、当たった!' 'Family size? No... Just my size! / これ?一人分だよ' 'Oh my... / あぁ…… ' 'A Piece of Chocolate as a Bookmark / しおりになったチョコのカケラ' ‘Brain Freeze / キーン‘ 'Whoopsy Daisy! / おっと’ 'My Cookies' 'To Each Their Own / 百人百様‘
If you click above the title, you could jump to my blog and enjoy each story, size, and technique behind the painting. (But I am still in the process of transferring the blog of my old site little by little. Sorry for not having every article here yet.)