The White Dog
The White Dog is not just a dog but a reflection of ourselves.
The White Dog, like a blank canvas, can be anything. They could be you or someone you know well.
Through them, I depict small joys and amusing moments in our daily lives that make you smile and say, "Same!"
I believe that sharing these small, yet joyful feelings with someone is precious, especially in our busy lives.
Details on my Blog
Untitled おしい! / "Close!" 穴の空いた靴下 / A Sock with a Hole ウマ… / "Yum..." "Want some?" "Yeah! Um...but just take it." / 「食べる?」「いいの?!でも最後の一つだし……」 'There's so much more to talk about. / まだ話したいことがたくさんあるんだ' Who is the "White Dog"? "Slower, please! Faster, please!" / あぁ…そんなに早く溶けないで、そんで君は早く戻ってきて〜! 'Brain Freeze! Let the spiral wafer heal me! / キーン!ちょっとこれでひと休み‘' 'Looking, Smelling or Nibbling? / 見てる?嗅いでる?それともちょっとかじってる?' 'Yes! Onto the sixth ice pop! / よっしゃ、当たった!' 'Family size? No... Just my size! / これ?一人分だよ' 'Oh my... / あぁ…… ' 'A Piece of Chocolate as a Bookmark / しおりになったチョコのカケラ' ‘Brain Freeze / キーン‘ 'Whoopsy Daisy! / おっと’ 'My Cookies' 'To Each Their Own / 百人百様‘
If you click above the title, you could jump to my blog and enjoy each story, size, and technique behind the painting. (But I am still in the process of transferring the blog of my old site little by little. Sorry for not having every article here yet.)