11月個展終了!メールオーダー受付中 / November solo exhibit ends! Now accepting mail orders!


Now Accepting Mail Orders until 12/15 of the year!


This is the first calendar I have produced, but I also recommend the art books with high-quality ink!







  • ●お支払い方法はクレジットカード(ご一括)のみとなります



    ●カレンダーの送料は、国内:¥200(税込、2024.11.22 ¥230から値下げしました)で、最大10部まで同梱可能です。海外発送¥900(書留付エアメール)で、6冊まで同梱可能です


    1. 購入希望の品物と数、送付先ご住所、電話番号、メールアドレスをお問い合わせフォームまたはメールにてお知らせください

    2. 48時間以内にメールを2通お送りします

      • 1通はこちらからでご注文内容とお届け先の確認となります。

      • もう1通は、決済用のリンク(スクエア社が提供する決済システムです)で、システムより送信されます。画面の案内に従いお手続きをお願いいたします。クレジットカードの番号等はお名前と識別のための末尾4桁以外、こちらに情報が残ることはございません。

    3. 決済が完了しましたらお届け予定日と追跡No.(カレンダーのみ)をお知らせします

    4. 2024年内最終受付は12/6(金)中となり、最終発送は12/13(金)です

  • お支払い方法はクレジットカード(ご一括)のみとなります。

    1. 購入希望の作品をお問い合わせフォームまたはメールにてお知らせください

    2. 販売可能な場合は48時間以内にこちらからメールを2通お送りします

      • 1通はこちらからで、送付先ご住所等、ご希望受け取り日時の確認依頼、作品の所有権と著作権に関するご案内です。ご返信をお願いいたします。

      • もう1通は、決済用のリンク(スクエア社が提供する決済システムです)で、スクエア社のシステムより送信されます。画面の案内に従いお手続きをお願いいたします。クレジットカードの番号等はお名前と識別のための末尾4桁以外、こちらに情報が残ることはございません。

      • 48時間以内に当方からの返信がない場合は、迷惑メールフォルダもご確認ください。お問い合わせフォームでの送信時にメールアドレスの間違いがあった可能性が考えられる場合は、こちらに直接[メール](mail to:contact@shiho-to-you.art)でご連絡をお願いいたします。

    3. ご住所など必要事項をご返信いただき、決済が完了しましたら、ご売約が確定した旨のご連絡をいたします。1週間以内に作品を発送いたします(追跡No.は発送後にご連絡)

    4. 2024年内最終受付は12/6(金)中となり、最終発送は12/13(金)です

My solo exhibit at Namiki Gallery just ended on the 18th.

Many comments to me, such as “I can relate to it,” “It makes me giggle,” and families and viewers saying to each other, “Look at that! Did you notice this?” made me feel really happy. Thank you so much, everyone!

Mail orders for paintings, calendars, and art books have already started. If you are considering ordering, please check the following process. The last shipment of the year will be made by the end of the 16th Monday.

The next exhibition will be March 18-23 in Nihombashi-Muromachi. See you @art_mall!

How to mail-order works and merch for the solo exhibit in November 2024

    • Payment method: Credit card (in a lump sum)

    • When the art books and calendars are out of stock, the shipping date will be two weeks later after your order.

    • Regarding international shipping, please inquire first. Delivery is expected within 1-2 weeks but significant delays may occur depending on postal conditions in the destination country. Both of them will be sent by registered airmail.


    Please send me the name of the merch you wish to purchase, along with your delivery address, phone number, and email address, either via the contact form (make sure your email address is correct) or by email.


    I will send you two emails within 48 hours;

    • The first email is the confirmation of your shipping information (for international customers; shipping fee) and copyright information. Please reply to this email.

    • The second email will contain a payment link from Square Inc., our payment system provider. Please follow the on-screen instructions to complete the transaction. Only the last four digits of your credit card number will be retained for identification purposes.

    • I usually reply within 48 hours. If you do not receive a response within this timeframe, please check your spam folder or email settings.


    After receiving your shipping information and payment, I will ship your parcel within 1 week to 2 weeks. The tracking number will be provided after dispatch.


    The final order deadline for 2024 is Friday, Dec 6, and the last shipment will be sent out on Friday, Dec 13.

  • Payment method: Credit card (in a lump sum)

    • Regarding international shipping, please inquire first. I can only ship to EMS-available areas.

    • The international shipping fee includes EMS-specific packaging costs and insurance. Delivery is expected within 1–2 weeks, but significant delays may occur depending on postal conditions in the destination country.


    Please send me the title of the artwork you wish to purchase, along with your delivery address, phone number, and email address, either via the contact from (make sure your email address is correct) or by email.


    If the work is available, you will receive two emails:

    • The first email is the confirmation of your shipping information, and for international customers, it's the shipping fee and artwork ownership and copyright information. Please reply to this email.

    • The second email will contain a payment link from Square Inc., our payment system provider. Please follow the on-screen instructions to complete the transaction. Only the last four digits of your credit card number will be retained for identification purposes.

    • I usually reply within 48 hours. If you do not receive a response within this timeframe, please check your spam folder or email settings.


    After receiving your shipping information and payment, I will prepare the artwork for shipping. The tracking number will be provided after dispatch. I will ship your parcel within 1 week to 2 weeks.


画集とカレンダーの詳細、今回展販売する絵画の価格 / Details of the art book and calendar, price list of paintings available in this exhibit


11月個展 番外編1 / November Exhibit Report 1


万が一カレンダーの店頭在庫が会期中に無くなった場合 / If Calendars Sell OutDuring the Exhibition